Common Ales: Cerebral Brewing’s Neon Lite

Cerebral brewing's Neon Lite lager in a glass on a desk

What is a colfax lager? Apparently an ode to Colfax, the town. (Edit: I have been told it is an ode to the street the brewery was first on, named after Colfax the man.)

So here we go: except…I can’t pick anything up on the nose. Visually it’s extremely bright and easy to see through, so they’ve got that nailed down.

But the beer itself seems to have used the sweetness from the corn to round out anything interesting in this beer. There’s no notable hop additions, no malt to latch onto. The sweetness is so strong, it almost makes me think of banana.

The finish is very brisk, clearing the palate well for the next sip but the Neon Lite doesn’t do a great job beckoning me to take another.

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