Bat Attack Test

Bat Attack amber in pint glass

My friend Kim wanted to make her Bat Attack amber for the homebrew competition at SheBrew. So, with a few adjustments to the original recipe, we did a test batch, before taking a swing at the competition batch. Here’s what I thought:

The nose is solid-malty but I still get a hint of butter on it.

The flavor thought doesn’t offer any buttery qualities, which is great. The malt is there and I get a little more roast than the last time we made this. But more relevantly, the finish is just a touch more bitter: The sweeter elements of the Bat Attack have been curbed by the additional hops. Also, the use of amber malt extract seems to have deepened the color as well as added a bit more roast quality too.

This isn’t a bad beer by any stretch. It’s a great study in contrasts, seeing what happens when you play with hops just a little bit. But there’s a preference for the OG recipe.

And this is my last update on the Bat Attack! This beer has come under the official stewardship of Kim, whose interest in brewing has bloomed into becoming a full on brewer herself. From here on out, if the Bat Attack comes up, it’s because she’s got something to say about it. I’m just the person who lifts heavy objects: She’s the brewer.

Brew date: 1/7/24

Steeping grains
7 lb Metolius Munch
1.5 Crystal 15
.5 Special roast

Fermentables: 3 lb Amber extract

@60 1oz Kent Golding, .5 oz Halertau Mittlefrau, .6 oz Amarillo
@5 1.5 oz Haltertau Mittlerfrau, .5 oz Kent Golding, smidge Amarillo

1 tsp Irish Moss @15 min
Yeast: Imperial’s Flagship

OG: 1.055

FG: 1.014

Notes: Warmed wort up to 67 for 3 extra days to finish the beer

Bottled 1/18

Tasting notes 1/28

ABV: 5.6%

Lastly: I’ll be on the road this weekend so no posts until Wednesday. Cheers!+

One thought on “Bat Attack Test”

  1. And I DO appreciate the heavy lifting, darlin’! Thank you for your space, your time, and most importantly, your encouragement. ❤️

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